Meet Ryan
Ryan is the founder and executive director of Impact Montana and has been influential in the development of the Montana Joining Community Forces Initiative, which serves military service members, veterans, and their families. He is native to Montana and retired in 2020 from the Montana Army National Guard after 21 years of service, deploying in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004 with the 639th Quartermaster Company, and in 2018/19 as the battalion chaplain for the 495th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion.
Ryan has worked in many military and veteran support capacities in the military, state government, private sector, and in a faith-based context. He has a BA in Social Sciences from Washington State University (with a minor in business management) and a Masters in Divinity from Liberty University.
Ryan and his wife enjoy exploring the great state of Montana, spending time with family, and serving military and veteran families who have sworn an oath to protect and defend the United States of America.
A Biblical Approach To Holistic Health and Wellness.
In his military career as a chaplain, Ryan noticed that roughly 80% of his conversations with soldiers were centered on six primary areas of life: spiritual health, physical health and wellness, family wellness, career wellness, social wellness, and financial wellness. For example, some individuals struggled financially because they prioritized a robust social life. Others had climbed the career ladder, but their families were neglected. And, those who prioritized their families often struggled keeping strong relationships with their peers.
This is not unique to the military community. Instead, much of our society is mismanaging energy and focus, resulting in less than desirable conditions. Using practical guidance, Ryan touches on all six areas, helping you reconcile these important facets of our life through a faith-based lens.